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Produkt zum Begriff Decentralized Applications:

  • Fluid Power with Applications
    Fluid Power with Applications

    For sophomore- or junior-level courses in Fluid Power, Hydraulics, and Pneumatics in two- or four-year Engineering Technology and Industrial Technology programs.   Fluid Power with Applications presents broad coverage of fluid power technology in a readable and understandable fashion. An extensive array of industrial applications is provided to motivate and stimulate students' interest in the field. Balancing theory and applications, this text is updated to reflect current technology; it focuses on the design, analysis, operation, and maintenance of fluid power systems. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Fullstack GraphQL Applications with GRANDstack
    Fullstack GraphQL Applications with GRANDstack

    GraphQL radically improves the efficiency of web APIs, reducing the number of requests and the volume of data in-transit within your web applications. You can amplify the benefits of GraphQL by adjusting your stack to match GraphQL’s more natural representation of your data as a graph. In Fullstack GraphQL Applications with GRANDstack you’ll learn to build graph-aware end-to-end web applications using GraphQL, React, Apollo, and the Neo4j graph database.about the technologyOver-fetching or under-fetching data from REST APIs makes your applications slow and unreliable, especially over weak mobile network connections. The GraphQL query language offers a solution with a new API paradigm, reducing loads by constructing precise graph-based data requests. By adapting your application’s design and data store to leverage graphs throughout the stack, you decrease friction by using a consistent data model improving developer productivity, performance and maintainability. The combination of GraphQL, React, Apollo, and Neo4j Database, aka “the GRANDstack,” provides an easily adoptable end-to-end solution perfect for building fullstack GraphQL applications.about the bookFullstack GraphQL Applications with GRANDstack teaches you to leverage the power of GraphQL to create modern APIs that streamline data loads by allowing client applications to selectively fetch only the data required. contributor and GraphQL Foundation member William Lyon teaches you everything you need to know to design, deploy, and maintain a GraphQL API from scratch and create graph-aware fullstack web applications. In this project-driven book, you’ll build a complete business reviews application using the cutting-edge GRANDstack, learning how the different parts fit together. Chapter-by-chapter, you’ll master creating a GraphQL service with Apollo Server, modelling a GraphQL API with GraphQL type definitions, installing the Neo4j Database on different platforms, and more. By the time you’re done, you’ll be able to deploy all of the components of a serverless fullstack application in a secure and cost-effective way that takes full advantage of GraphQL’s performance capabilities. Along the way, you’ll also get tips for applying these techniques to other stacks. what's insideBuilding the backend functionality of a GraphQL applicationHandling authentication and authorization with GraphQLImplementing pagination and rate limiting in a GraphQL APICreate a basic frontend application using React and Apollo Clientabout the readerAimed at developers comfortable building web applications using tools like Django, Rails, or MEAN stack and standard SQL-based databases. No experience with GraphQL or graph databases required.about the authorWilliam Lyon is a software developer at Neo4j, working on integrations with other technologies and helping users build applications with Neo4j. He is the creator and maintainer of neo4j-graphql.js, a JavaScript library for creating GraphQL APIs, and is a contributor to He serves as Neo4j’s representative on the GraphQL Foundation.

    Preis: 49.21 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Arduino for Radio Amateur Applications
    Arduino for Radio Amateur Applications

    Program and build Arduino-based ham station utilities, tools, and instruments In addition to a detailed introduction to the exciting world of the Arduino microcontroller and its many variants, this book introduces you to the shields, modules, and components you can connect to the Arduino. Many of these components are discussed in detail and used in the projects included in this book to help you understand how these components can be incorporated into your own Arduino projects. Emphasis has been placed on designing and creating a wide range of amateur radio-related projects that can easily be built in just a few days. This book is written for ham radio operators and Arduino enthusiasts of all skill levels, and includes discussions about the tools, construction methods, and troubleshooting techniques used in creating amateur radio-related Arduino projects. This book teaches you how to create feature-rich Arduino-based projects, with the goal of helping you to advance beyond this book, and design and build your own ham radio Arduino projects. In addition, this book describes in detail the design, construction, programming, and operation of the following projects: CW Beacon and Foxhunt Keyer Mini Weather Station RF Probe with LED Bar Graph DTMF Tone Encoder DTMF Tone Decoder Waveform Generator Auto Power On/Off Bluetooth CW Keyer Station Power Monitor AC Current Monitor This book assumes a basic knowledge of electronics and circuit construction. Basic knowledge of how to program the Arduino using its IDE will also be beneficial.

    Preis: 34.95 € | Versand*: 4.95 €
  • Calculus with Applications, Global Edition
    Calculus with Applications, Global Edition

    Calculus with Applications, 11th Edition by Lial, Greenwell, and Ritchey, is our most applied text to date, making the math relevant and accessible for students of business, life science, and social sciences. Current applications, many using real data, are incorporated in numerous forms throughout the book, preparing students for success in their professional careers. With this edition, students will find new ways to help them learn the material, such as Warm-Up Exercises and added “help text” within examples.

    Preis: 99.83 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was sind die grundlegenden Merkmale und Funktionen einer ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications)-Anwendung?

    Die grundlegenden Merkmale einer ARIA-Anwendung sind die Verwendung von speziellen HTML-Attribute, um die Barrierefreiheit für Menschen mit Behinderungen zu verbessern. ARIA ermöglicht die Kennzeichnung von Elementen wie Schaltflächen, Formulare und Menüs, um deren Interaktivität und Bedeutung für Screenreader und andere Assistenztechnologien zu verbessern. Durch die Verwendung von ARIA können Entwickler sicherstellen, dass ihre Webanwendungen für alle Benutzer zugänglich sind.

  • Wie kann man mit einfachen Materialien kreativ basteln und schöne DIY-Projekte gestalten?

    Man kann mit einfachen Materialien wie Papier, Stoffresten, Holzstäbchen oder Flaschendeckeln kreativ basteln. Durch Upcycling von alten Gegenständen lassen sich einzigartige DIY-Projekte gestalten. Mit etwas Fantasie und Geschick können so individuelle Dekorationen, Geschenke oder Accessoires entstehen.

  • Wie kann man mit einfachen Materialien kreativ basteln und tolle DIY-Projekte für Zuhause umsetzen?

    Man kann mit Dingen wie Papier, Stoff, Holz oder Recyclingmaterialien arbeiten, um DIY-Projekte umzusetzen. Ideen und Anleitungen findet man in Büchern, Zeitschriften oder im Internet. Mit Fantasie und Kreativität lassen sich einzigartige und individuelle Dekorationen, Geschenke oder Möbelstücke kreieren.

  • Was man aus Papier basteln kann?

    Was man aus Papier basteln kann, hängt von der Kreativität und Geschicklichkeit ab. Man kann Origami-Figuren wie Kraniche, Blumen oder Tiere falten. Auch das Basteln von Grußkarten, Papierketten oder Papierblumen ist eine beliebte Möglichkeit. Darüber hinaus können aus Papier auch Schachteln, Lesezeichen oder sogar Lampenschirme hergestellt werden. Die Möglichkeiten sind nahezu unbegrenzt, und mit etwas Fantasie lassen sich aus Papier viele schöne und nützliche Dinge basteln.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Decentralized Applications:

  • Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications
    Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications

    The Best-Selling Introduction to Digital Communications: Thoroughly Revised and Updated for OFDM, MIMO, LTE, and MoreWith remarkable clarity, Drs. Bernard Sklar and fred harris introduce every digital communication technology at the heart of today's wireless and Internet revolutions, with completely new chapters on synchronization, OFDM, and MIMO.Building on the field's classic, best-selling introduction, the authors provide a unified structure and context for helping students and professional engineers understand each technology, without sacrificing mathematical precision. They illuminate the big picture and details of modulation, coding, and signal processing, tracing signals and processing steps from information source through sink. Throughout, readers will find numeric examples, step-by-step implementation guidance, and diagrams that place key concepts in clear context.Understand signals, spectra, modulation, demodulation, detection, communication links, system link budgets, synchronization, fading, and other key conceptsApply channel coding techniques, including advanced turbo coding and LDPCExplore multiplexing, multiple access, and spread spectrum concepts and techniquesLearn about source coding: amplitude quantizing, differential PCM, and adaptive predictionDiscover the essentials and applications of synchronization, OFDM, and MIMO technologyMore than ever, this is an ideal resource for practicing electrical engineers and students who want a practical, accessible introduction to modern digital communications.This Third Edition includes online access to additional examples and material on the book's website.

    Preis: 118.76 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits, Devices & Applications
    Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits, Devices & Applications

    For DC/AC Circuits courses requiring a comprehensive, all inclusive text covering basic DC/AC Circuit fundamentals with additional chapters on Devices.   This renowned text offers a comprehensive yet practical exploration of basic electrical and electronic concepts, hands-on applications, and troubleshooting. Written in a clear and accessible narrative, the 7th Edition focuses on fundamental principles and their applications to solving real circuit analysis problems, and devotes six chapters to examining electronic devices. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Practical Applications in Digital Signal Processing
    Practical Applications in Digital Signal Processing

    The Only DSP Book 100% Focused on Step-by-Step Design and Implementation of Real Devices and Systems in Hardware and Software Practical Applications in Digital Signal Processing is the first DSP title to address the area that even the excellent engineering textbooks of today tend to omit. This book fills a large portion of that omission by addressing circuits and system applications that most design engineers encounter in the modern signal processing industry. This book includes original work in the areas of Digital Data Locked Loops (DLLs), Digital Automatic Gain Control (dAGC), and the design of fast elastic store memory used for synchronizing independently clocked asynchronous data bit streams. It also contains detailed design discussions on Cascaded Integrator Comb (CIC) filters, including the seldom-covered topic of bit pruning. Other topics not extensively covered in other modern textbooks, but detailed here, include analog and digital signal tuning, complex-to-real conversion, the design of digital channelizers, and the techniques of digital frequency synthesis. This book also contains an appendix devoted to the techniques of writing mixed-language CC++ Fortran programs. Finally, this book contains very extensive review material covering important engineering mathematical tools such as the Fourier series, the Fourier transform, the z transform, and complex variables. Features of this book include • Thorough coverage of the complex-to-real conversion of digital signals • A complete tutorial on digital frequency synthesis • Lengthy discussion of analog and digital tuning and signal translation • Detailed coverage of the design of elastic store memory • A comprehensive study of the design of digital data locked loops • Complete coverage of the design of digital channelizers • A detailed treatment on the design of digital automatic gain control • Detailed techniques for the design of digital and multirate filters • Extensive coverage of the CIC filter, including the topic of bit pruning • An extensive review of complex variables • An extensive review of the Fourier series, and continuous and discrete Fourier transforms • An extensive review of the z transform  

    Preis: 49.21 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Survey of Mathematics with Applications, A
    Survey of Mathematics with Applications, A

    In a Liberal Arts Math course, a common question students ask is, “Why do I have to know this?” A Survey of Mathematics with Applications continues to be a best-seller because it shows students how we use mathematics in our daily lives and why this is important. The Ninth Edition further emphasises this with the addition of new “Why This Is Important” sections throughout the text. Real-life and up-to-date examples motivate the topics throughout, and a wide range of exercises help students to develop their problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Angel, Abbott, and Runde present the material in a way that is clear and accessible to non-math majors. The text includes a wide variety of math topics, with contents that are flexible for use in any one- or two-semester Liberal Arts Math course. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Welche Materialien eignen sich am besten für das Basteln von DIY-Wanddekorationen?

    Papier, Stoff und Holz sind beliebte Materialien für DIY-Wanddekorationen. Sie sind vielseitig, leicht zu bearbeiten und preiswert. Zudem bieten sie eine große Auswahl an Farben, Mustern und Texturen für individuelle Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten.

  • Was sind die vielseitigen Einsatzmöglichkeiten einer Filzplatte in Handwerk und DIY-Projekten?

    Filzplatten können als Unterlage zum Schutz von Oberflächen verwendet werden, als Dämmmaterial für Schall- und Wärmedämmung dienen und als dekoratives Element in verschiedenen Handwerks- und DIY-Projekten eingesetzt werden. Sie eignen sich auch als Polstermaterial für Möbel, als Schneidematte in Bastelarbeiten oder als Grundlage für Nähprojekte.

  • Wie kann man eine bunte Girlande einfach und kreativ selbst basteln?

    Man kann verschiedene farbige Papierstreifen ausschneiden und zu einer Girlande zusammenkleben. Alternativ kann man auch bunte Stoffreste verwenden und diese zu kleinen Flaggen zuschneiden. Anschließend die Flaggen an einer Schnur befestigen und die Girlande aufhängen.

  • Wie kann ich Bastelwolle kreativ nutzen, um DIY-Projekte zu gestalten?

    Du kannst Bastelwolle verwenden, um Pompons, Quasten, oder Fransen für deine DIY-Projekte herzustellen. Außerdem kannst du mit Bastelwolle Makramee-Wandbehänge, Teppiche oder Kissen gestalten. Verwende verschiedene Farben und Texturen, um deine Projekte einzigartig und kreativ zu gestalten.

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